Zuletzt geändert: Mi, 15.06.2005

«11C» Press vocab zur 4. Schulaufgabe «PDF», «POD»


0.0.1 Press vocab zur 4. Schulaufgabe

  1. In order to remove offensive, morally harmful or politically dangerous contents books used to be subjected to censorship (Zensur).

  2. The freedom of the press is laid down in the first Amendment to the Constitution of the US.

  3. USA Today is a national paper whereas the Kansas City Star is a local paper.

  4. A newspaper or a magazine that is published a)every day: Daily, b) every week: Weekly, c) evry month: Monthly, d) four times a year: Quarterly.

  5. Time and Newsweek are American magazines or periodicals comparable to the Spiegel, Psychology Today is a technical journal.

  6. There's both an international and a European edition of Time available.

  7. While I always read the business section, I'm not too keen on the gossip column (Klatschspalte).

  8. If you subscribed to a newspaper it will be sent to you by post on a regular basis. So you won't have to go and buy it at a newsagent's.

  9. The attack on Abigail W. in an otherwise peaceful village in Surrey made front page news or in other words hit the headlines (Schlagzeilen machen).

  10. Stories about celebrities always make good copy (sich gut verkaufen).

  11. serious press (a), sensational press (b), scandal sheets (b), quality paper (a), popular press (b), broadsheets (a), tabloids (b), gutter press (b), yellow press (b)

  12. Tabloids like the Sun are comparable to the German Bild and have huge circulations (Auflagen). The Sun sells 3.8 million copies (Exemplare) per day.

  13. Titelgeschichte coverstory, Leitartikel editorial, Aus aller Welt World News, Beilage supplement, Spezial(artikel) Feature Story, Todesanzeigen obituaries, Kleinanzeigen small ads, Fortsetzungsroman serialized novel, Fortsetzung folgt to be continued, Leserbrief letter to the editor, Bericht report, Reportage news story, Ratgeberspalte agony column

  14. Einen Artikel veröffentlichen publish an article, eine Meldung bringen to carry/cover a story, über ein Ereignis berichten report on an event, Berichterstattung news coverage, Berichten zufolge according to news reports