Zuletzt geändert: Di, 14.12.2004

«11C» sofortmaild.pl «PDF», «POD»


use warnings;
use strict;

use POE;
use POE::Component::Server::TCP;
use POE::Component::Server::HTTP;
use HTML::Template;
use MIME::Base64 qw< decode_base64 >;
use Getopt::Long;

my $sport   = 25;
my $hport   = 8000;
my $banner  = "SMTP Server";
my $magic   = "test:test";
my $verbose = 0;

my %msgs;

  "smtpport=i" => \$sport,
  "httpport=i" => \$hport,
  "magic=s"    => \$magic,
  "banner=s"   => \$banner,
  "verbose!"   => \$verbose,
  "help"       => \&usage,
) or usage();

  Port            => $sport,
  ClientConnected => \&c_connected,
  ClientInput     => \&c_input,

  Port           => $hport,
  ContentHandler => { "/" => \&h_handler },

my %tmpl; my $ptr;
while(local $_ = <DATA>) {
  if(/^__(\w+)__$/) {
    $ptr = \$tmpl{$1};
  } else {
    $$ptr .= $_;


sub usage { print STDERR <<USAGE; exit }
Usage: $0 [options]

Available options are:
  --smtpport=25       Sets the SMTP port to listen on.
  --httpport=8000     Sets the HTTP port to listen on.
  --banner="SMTP Server"
                  Sets the banner to display upon connection.
  --verbose       Sets verbosity.
  --help          Displays this help.

Options may be abbreviated to uniqueness.

sub debug($) {
  return unless $verbose;

  print STDERR shift, "\n";

sub c_connected { $_[HEAP]->{client}->put("220 " . $banner) }

sub c_input {
  my ($heap, $line) = @_[HEAP, ARG0];
  my $client        = $heap->{client};
  my $in_data       = \$heap->{in_data};
  my $data          = \$heap->{data};

  if($$in_data and $line ne ".") {
    $line =~ s/^\.//;
    $$data .= $line . "\n";

  } elsif($$in_data and $line eq ".") {
    $client->put("250 Ok.");
    debug sprintf "Received new mail from client %s:%d, length %d bytes.",
		  $_[HEAP]->{remote_ip}, $_[HEAP]->{remote_port},
		  length $$data;

    my $id = time * 100;
    $id++ while $msgs{$id};
    $msgs{$id} = Email::Simple::SofortMail->new($$data);
    $$data = undef; $$in_data = 0;

  } else {
    my ($cmd) = split /\s/, $line;

    my %dispatch = (
      HELO => sub { "250 Ok." },
      EHLO => sub { "250 Ok." },
      MAIL => sub { "250 Ok." },
      RCPT => sub { "250 Ok." },
      DATA => sub {
	"354 Enter message, ending with \".\" on a line by itself.";
      QUIT => sub {
	"221 Bye.";
      EROR => sub { "500 Unrecognized command." },

    my $sub = $dispatch{uc $cmd} || $dispatch{EROR};


sub h_handler {
  my ($req, $rep) = @_;

    $req->header("Authorization") and
    decode_base64(($req->header("Authorization") =~ /^Basic (.+)$/i)[0]) eq $magic
  ) {
    if($req->uri->path eq "/") {
      return h_list($req, $rep);
    } elsif($req->uri->path =~ /^\/(\d+)\/html$/) {
      return h_msg_html($req, $rep, $1);
    } elsif($req->uri->path =~ /^\/(\d+)\/source$/) {
      return h_msg_src($req, $rep, $1);
    } elsif($req->uri->path =~ /^\/(\d+)\/delete$/) {
      return h_msg_del($req, $rep, $1);
    } elsif($req->uri->path eq "/style.css") {
      return h_style($req, $rep);
    } else {
      return h_error($req, $rep);
  } else {
    return h_unauth($req, $rep);

sub h_list {
  my ($req, $rep) = @_;
  local $_;

  my $tmpl = HTML::Template->new(
    scalarref         => \$tmpl{LIST},
    die_on_bad_params => 0,
  $tmpl->param(messages => [ map {{
    %{ $msgs{$_}->as_tmpl },
    mid => $_
  }} sort { $b <=> $a } keys %msgs ]);


sub h_msg_html {
  my ($req, $rep, $mid) = @_;
  return h_error($req, $rep) unless $mid >= 0 and $msgs{$mid};

  my $tmpl = HTML::Template->new(
    scalarref         => \$tmpl{MESSAGE},
    die_on_bad_params => 0,
  $tmpl->param(%{ $msgs{$mid}->as_tmpl }, mid => $mid);


sub h_msg_src {
  my ($req, $rep, $mid) = @_;
  return h_error($req, $rep) unless $mid >= 0 and $msgs{$mid};

  $rep->header("Content-Type" => "message/rfc822");

  my $str = $msgs{$mid}->as_string;
  $str =~ s/\012/\015\012/g;

sub h_msg_del {
  my ($req, $rep, $mid) = @_;
  return h_error($req, $rep) unless $mid >= 0 and $msgs{$mid};

  delete $msgs{$mid};


sub h_style {
  my ($req, $rep) = @_;

  $rep->header("Content-Type" => "text/css");

sub h_error {
  my ($req, $rep) = @_;


sub h_unauth {
  my ($req, $rep) = @_;

  $rep->header("WWW-Authenticate" => 'Basic realm="sofortmaild"');

  package Email::Simple::SofortMail;

  use POSIX "strftime";
  use base "Email::Simple";

  sub setdate_rcvd { $_[0]->{date_rcvd} = $_[1] }
  sub date_rcvd    { $_[0]->{date_rcvd} }

  sub as_tmpl {{
    from      => $_[0]->header("From"),
    to        => $_[0]->header("To"),
    subject   => $_[0]->header("Subject"),
    date      => $_[0]->header("Date"),
    date_rcvd => strftime("%c", localtime $_[0]->date_rcvd),
    source    => $_[0]->as_string,

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">


  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css">


  <div class="content">
    An error occured. <a href="/">Go back to the message overview.</a>

  <div class="footer">Perl-powered sofort-maild</div>

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

  <title>401 Unauthorized</title>

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css">

  <h1>401 Unauthorized</h1>

  <div class="content">
    You have to authorize to use this service.

  <div class="footer">Perl-powered sofort-maild</div>

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

  <title>Message overview</title>

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css">

  <h1>Message overview</h1>

  <div class="content">

      <TMPL_LOOP name=messages>
	  <td><TMPL_VAR NAME="from"      ESCAPE="HTML"></td>
	  <td><TMPL_VAR NAME="to"        ESCAPE="HTML"></td>
	  <td><TMPL_VAR NAME="subject"   ESCAPE="HTML"></td>
	  <td><TMPL_VAR NAME="date"      ESCAPE="HTML"></td>
	    <a href="/<TMPL_VAR NAME="mid">/html">.html</a>
	    <a href="/<TMPL_VAR NAME="mid">/source">.src</a>
	    <a href="/<TMPL_VAR NAME="mid">/delete">.del</a>

  <div class="footer">Perl-powered sofort-maild</div>

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

  <title>Message &quot;<TMPL_VAR NAME="subject" ESCAPE="HTML">&quot;</title>

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css">

    Message display
    <a href="/<TMPL_VAR NAME="mid" ESCAPE="HTML">/source">.src</a>
    <a href="/<TMPL_VAR NAME="mid" ESCAPE="HTML">/delete">.del</a>
    <a href="/">.back</a>

  <div class="content">
	<td><TMPL_VAR NAME="from"      ESCAPE="HTML"></td>
	<td><TMPL_VAR NAME="to"        ESCAPE="HTML"></td>
	<td><TMPL_VAR NAME="subject"   ESCAPE="HTML"></td>
	<td><TMPL_VAR NAME="date"      ESCAPE="HTML"></td>
	<th>Date of reception</th>
	<td><TMPL_VAR NAME="date_rcvd" ESCAPE="HTML"></td>

    <pre><TMPL_VAR NAME="source" ESCAPE="HTML"></pre>

  <div class="footer">Perl-powered sofort-maild</div>

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

  <title>Message deleted</title>

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css">

  <h1>Message deleted</h1>

  <div class="content">
    The message was deleted. <a href="/">Go back to the message overview.</a>

  <div class="footer">Perl-powered sofort-maild</div>

body { font-family: sans-serif; margin: 0; }

h1, .content, .footer { padding: 5px; }

h1 {
  margin:           0;
  margin-bottom:    5px;
  border-bottom:    1px solid black;
  text-align:       left;
  color:            white;
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div.footer {
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  margin-top:       5px;
  border-top:       1px solid black;
  text-align:       left;
  color:            white;
  background-color: #aaa;

table { width: 100%; }
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